Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Make-up Tutorial: Mystique Eyes (Featuring I.Fairy Moe Moe Brown contact lenses from UNIQSO)

I'm back! And now it is time to post up a make-up tutorial :)
Featuring: I.Fairy Moe Moe Brown contact lenses
Purchased at Uniqso ! :D
Mystique Eyes
(Enhance your eye color)

First things first! This is what you will need:
Eyeshadow including the colors off-white, teal and gold
Silver or white eyeliner
Green eyeliner
Brown eyeliner
Brown or black mascara
Now to step number uno!
Step #1
Use silver/or white eyeliner to accent inner corners of eyes.
The result being:
Step #2
Use off-white eye shadow as base color on your eyelid and to accent the inner corners of your eyes.
Don't forget your brow bone!
Step #3
Use teal colored eye shadow to accent the outer corners of your eyes.
It will look like this when you're done:
Step #4
Now, use a highly pigmented gold eye shadow to blend from the inner to the outer part of your eyelid.
Step #5
Use a green eyeliner to outline the bottom outer corners of your lash-line.
Step #6
Go back to your teal eyeshadow and accent the crease near the inner corner of your eye, like this:
Step #7
This step is optional. I use a brown liner to darken the upper water line in my eyes.
Step #8
Use the brown/or black mascara throughout the edges of your eyes, upper lashes and lower lashes if you wish.
And voila! Here are your final results:
These colors truly accent the contact lenses I am wearing. Since the color is hazel/yellow, the contrast with green and gold really makes my eyes pop! It looks wonderful indoors and specially out in natural light. It is not too hard and not too passive, you will definitely make a statement :)
Thank you for visiting!

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