Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Heaven and Hell

So what's been happening in Supernatural Season 9?
To be honest, I lost focus after the fourth or fifth episode... (the one where they were communicating with dogs )

So before I even bother watching the new episode tonight (or tomorrow on my dvr), I'm gonna TRY to watch some of the past episodes I've missed. At the rate the season was going it almost felt like this may be their last season. The plot was alright, you know, nothing we haven't seen before.

Some demon mother escaped from hell (Lilith, anybody?), all of the angels fell from heaven and lost their grace, Crowley became everyone's bitch, Castiel is mortal and obviously even more lost than usual (didn't see that coming hahah).And that's all besides the bro-to-bro drama, which there was enough of already but one of them always has to go and tell a lie and have the other one possessed by an angel to survive, you know, the usual stuff. I haven't lost hope just yet, for the record!

And I just can't pass up this drinking game after 9 seasons of dealing with these guys...

Drinking Game

For now, let's keep our fingers crossed no more people are brought back from the dead. 

Supernatural Pixel

- Celene

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