Friday, November 18, 2011
Fallen off the face of the earth
There is no finer feeling, most days, than the feeling disconnected from the world in such a "connected" electronic obsessed society. Just the thought of no one knowing where you are, what you are doing, who you are with, what you are saying...I suppose, nowadays, that may cause people some kind of despair? For me, it is bliss.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
If angry is what you want, angry is what I got
So I woke up in the mood for some angry music today, and created a nice compilation of songs you want to listen to if you're about ready to overflow. Of course, the list can go on if you ask me to get into death metal or black metal (grind core, death core, noise core, hardcore punk...etc.etc.etc), but to keep it simple here's my top picks for today...
(Morbid Angel, the godfathers of death metal. Much respect, and who doesn't like speeding in their car to this?)
And lastly...well, since we're on the topic.

Angry anthem #0001
Megadeth - Angry Again
Megadeth - Angry Again
(A personal favorite, story of my life, story of Dave's life...and so the story goes!)
Angry anthem #0002
Alice in Chains - Angry Chair
Angry anthem #0002
Alice in Chains - Angry Chair
(Who can forget Alice in Chains? When Kurt went missing, they kept rocking and pulling the grunge.)
Angry anthem #0003
Angry anthem #0003
Morbid Angel - Dawn of the Angry
(Morbid Angel, the godfathers of death metal. Much respect, and who doesn't like speeding in their car to this?)
And lastly...well, since we're on the topic.
A very angry bird.
I remember you
So this past Saturday (November 12, 2011) I crashed the party at the KEY CLUB to watch Pretty Boy Floyd and Crashdiet in an 80's Sunset strip revival of sorts. Little did I know, as I put on my high heels so early on that day, that there would be roughly about 287459082374523409523 opening bands. Painful, definitely, with each band playing about 5 songs by the time Pretty Boy Floyd appeared it had to be after midnight already! Ahh but the pain was worth it, dress to impress right? (It was in Hollywood, needless to say that is the law of the land) Some of the opening bands were fun to watch, I thoroughly enjoyed it since the younger scene is much more entertaining to observe, its almost like it was back in the 80's, maybe the revival is truly underway? Bands of note that night were Vicious Outlaws, Skarlet and Electric Child.
Like I mentioned before, there were dozens of bands! Its unfair to only mention 3 but those were the most memorable to me in all honesty. So anyhow, by the time Pretty Boy Floyd first came out I was feeling a bit tired but they managed to get the crowd all worked up which was fantastic. They rocked out like they would in their day, being as I was in front row I got a partial "lap dance" (what I call it when one of the band members crouches in your face, basically) from 2 of the members hahaha Also, I received an awesome sequin bracelet from Steve Sex (vocalist) so that was a great souvenir!
Once Crashdiet finally entered the stage I was MORE than exhausted, but again, I stuck to my guns, ignored the high heels and rocked out along with the band. They were very shy to be a sleaze metal band, at least, I believe their singer was the most charismatic, but then again when most foreign bands finally have a chance to play in LA they seem nervous regardless. Anyway, I leave you with some eye candy from the show and a song from Skid Row I dearly love, hope to see more of these bands in the near future!

Like I mentioned before, there were dozens of bands! Its unfair to only mention 3 but those were the most memorable to me in all honesty. So anyhow, by the time Pretty Boy Floyd first came out I was feeling a bit tired but they managed to get the crowd all worked up which was fantastic. They rocked out like they would in their day, being as I was in front row I got a partial "lap dance" (what I call it when one of the band members crouches in your face, basically) from 2 of the members hahaha Also, I received an awesome sequin bracelet from Steve Sex (vocalist) so that was a great souvenir!
Once Crashdiet finally entered the stage I was MORE than exhausted, but again, I stuck to my guns, ignored the high heels and rocked out along with the band. They were very shy to be a sleaze metal band, at least, I believe their singer was the most charismatic, but then again when most foreign bands finally have a chance to play in LA they seem nervous regardless. Anyway, I leave you with some eye candy from the show and a song from Skid Row I dearly love, hope to see more of these bands in the near future!
Friday, November 11, 2011
From the amazing movie DRIVE
And the award for best film of 2011 goes to... DRIVE starring Ryan Gosling.

So after long debate I have decided that the best film I've seen so far of 2011 is Drive.
You can't beat the combination of masterful elements this film has, including the ever constant truth that shit does happen, to better people. With a phenomenal soundtrack (so phenomenal I dare compare it to KUBRICK, the master of tactful and mind blowing soundtrack dictation.), superb lead and supporting actors, danger lurking in every turn of a riveting plot, beautiful action sequences on cars (that top, in a most believable way, even Fast and the Furious) and a taste of rage and love; its all the elements of a new age greek drama, but better, because we have fast cars and firearms now. Not to mention Ryan Gosling.
I never watched the Notebook, and here's why: The Notebook is to Ryan Gosling like Titanic is to Leonardo DiCaprio, its a heart throbbing tragic love story made for women, don't get me wrong a guy may enjoy that movie too (or a girl, like me, may not find it interesting at all) because honestly, to me, The Notebook wasn't the movie who made Ryan Gosling, he came full circle with Drive. Drama isn't just about love and pain, its also about the harsh reality of violence, consequence, and tragedy in a pool of tangled lives. Blue Valentine wasn't left far behind in the dust as far as Gosling evolving into a wider range of independent films, so its a movie of note if you want to look up something new in his growing resume and put aside the Notebook once and for all. No more type casting for Ryan, my hats off to you.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Stray angel
Stray angel
Bright the light shines all night
Casting odd shadows amongst the fallen angels
Hidden in the high alcoves
Rootless through the deep alleyways and stark streets
They dare not look you in the eye as they pass,
And you can only admire as they sweep away every gaze in their direction
Floating almost, unaware of the stares or sighs
It is like limbo, we pass one another
Intertwined roads in contradictory paths
Why is it then, when one reaches out,
That they tremble at our touch?
I was asked once,
I do not know
I answered, quite aware of my own fear of men
And how a touch may lift the soul
Or spin a tangled tragedy to mark the man
For we angels can no longer feel
Or scar
We only observe
(Written by Celene ©Sicario Sideral)
Beautiful song, absorbing lyrics...great for writing, if you're listening =)
"So many ways to break a man
with the food or the fall
so many ways to break a man
but one is not to touch him at all..."
with the food or the fall
so many ways to break a man
but one is not to touch him at all..."
Friday, November 4, 2011
Blue Valentine
What endless grey fills yours eyes
They were never colder until today
Reflecting the clouded, tear stricken skies
The breeze bit my skin when you spoke
I knew what you would say,
The grey turned dark like smoke
Ever since that day
When we met, and you smiled sadly
I knew I could not say goodbye
My will had broken madly
Every day with you I had to sigh
Knowing I'd miss your sad grey eyes
(Written by Celene ©Sicario Sideral)
They were never colder until today
Reflecting the clouded, tear stricken skies
The breeze bit my skin when you spoke
I knew what you would say,
The grey turned dark like smoke
Ever since that day
When we met, and you smiled sadly
I knew I could not say goodbye
My will had broken madly
Every day with you I had to sigh
Knowing I'd miss your sad grey eyes
(Written by Celene ©Sicario Sideral)
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Good people in ****ed up situations = Metal.
So I've come to the conclusion...that good people have bad luck. And the only way to fight it is to join the dark side. So join me.

Attack the Block (Horror Movie Review #003)
Horror Movie Review #003
Attack the Block 2011
Attack the Block 2011

I know what anyone sane would say in this situation "Horror? THIS? SERIOUSLY?" But come ON, this is from the makers of Shaun of the Dead, I couldn't let it pass me without a chop at it. So you may think that street thugs versus aliens sounds like a bad film plot from the Syfy channel, but to my own surprise this movie had more grit than it may lead to believe. Sure, its a horror scifi comedy, but its a true gem of its kind. If you like to laugh while watching people get beasted upon or enjoy movies like EVIL DEAD and DEAD ALIVE then you'll definitely appreciate this raw, hilarious, sarcastic trip of a movie with all the juvenile nostalgia one of its kind deserves.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
American Horror Story (Fox Network decides not to drop DirecTV)
So top news today for me was the fact I still had all my Fox Network channels on my DirecTV, this means American Horror Story tomorrow!
Season 7 Supernatural (Progress!)
![]() |
Credits to LaylaBlack@Tumblr |
Good morning, and happy day of the dead! (Or dia de los muertos, all saints day etc..etc.) So I woke up in a great mood, always after Halloween, you can't beat the combo of candy, pizza hut, vodka, a stolen projector and watching Let the Right One In at 1am! So here's a bit of fun before I get into the serious business for today...
Dean <3
Dean <3
Friday, October 28, 2011
Halloween is almost here
Halloween is almost here! Its time to carve out some jack o'lanterns, buy a month's worth of candy, show off my silver andy warhol hair with some snazzy garbs, and watch a hell load of horror movies <3

Happy weekend!
Project Runway, are you serious?
Joshua deserved to win, this is an outrage!

To start, Anya wasn't suppose to go to fashion week, so WTF is wrong with the judges? If you can't cough up one pair of pants for your show, sorry, but your boho Caribbean wear will not make it in NYC, MILAN or PARIS. My condolences to Viktor and Josh, you guys deserved to win, the judges are just...idiots.

To start, Anya wasn't suppose to go to fashion week, so WTF is wrong with the judges? If you can't cough up one pair of pants for your show, sorry, but your boho Caribbean wear will not make it in NYC, MILAN or PARIS. My condolences to Viktor and Josh, you guys deserved to win, the judges are just...idiots.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monday, October 24, 2011
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 3 (Horror Movie Review #002)
Horror Movie Review #002

So as many of you know this weekend Paranormal Activity 3 premiered and totally SMASHED the box office, breaking history for any opening weekend in the horror movie genre. Its impressive how many people went out to watch it (the lines were horrid! I had to drive out to the middle of nowhere Long Beach to watch it in peace hahaha), but whats even more astounding is how mixed the reviews are so far. Don't be discouraged, it got a 10 out of 10 on my horror meter. Here's why...
When I first saw the preview for this one, to be quite frank, my reaction was this exactly "YOU GOTTA BE FREAKING KIDDING ME, ANOTHER ONE?!" But that quickly changed when I saw the extended trailer during the Scream Awards. Sure, most of the previews are not included in the movie, but trust me when I say if you like supernatural stories and being scared out of your seat at the movies this movie will NOT disappoint. In fact I was somewhat surprised when I saw the audience watching the film was roughly around a 18years - late 30s age range, which should be mature enough not to scream or cry, but I heard much screaming and crying. It was fun! This is the type of movie that gets under your skin, it enters the comfort of someone's home and puts you in their shoes, which is really what horror is about.
So as many of you know this weekend Paranormal Activity 3 premiered and totally SMASHED the box office, breaking history for any opening weekend in the horror movie genre. Its impressive how many people went out to watch it (the lines were horrid! I had to drive out to the middle of nowhere Long Beach to watch it in peace hahaha), but whats even more astounding is how mixed the reviews are so far. Don't be discouraged, it got a 10 out of 10 on my horror meter. Here's why...
When I first saw the preview for this one, to be quite frank, my reaction was this exactly "YOU GOTTA BE FREAKING KIDDING ME, ANOTHER ONE?!" But that quickly changed when I saw the extended trailer during the Scream Awards. Sure, most of the previews are not included in the movie, but trust me when I say if you like supernatural stories and being scared out of your seat at the movies this movie will NOT disappoint. In fact I was somewhat surprised when I saw the audience watching the film was roughly around a 18years - late 30s age range, which should be mature enough not to scream or cry, but I heard much screaming and crying. It was fun! This is the type of movie that gets under your skin, it enters the comfort of someone's home and puts you in their shoes, which is really what horror is about.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
You faceless frock
Bitten back by my smiting trend
Where did the sun turn under the horizon?
Faded beneath the blanket of stars and smoke
The heat stolen by her true nave and son
Our shoulders cold as she once spoke
Why must he be so eager
Always to catch my floating heart
He does not see my anger
Always blind to my damaged part
(Written by Celene ©SicarioSideral)
original poetry,
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Monday, October 17, 2011
THE THING 2011 (Horror Movie Review #001)
So I will begin to post my reviews of horror movies, seeing as I hardly write anymore here's a chance to beat the hell out of my writer's block !
Horror Movie Review #001
So as you all know (or will eventually find out), I am something of a movie nerd. I do have a special preference for horror, which inclines me to be extremely strict with remakes. I thought it was bad idea to remake a movie like this...until I saw it.
Needless to say it took me by surprise. The cast was spot on and the special effects were superb, but used very creatively! Its not your typical horror movie, it has a psychological factor that is fun to play with, and does in fact make your skin crawl. Anyway, despite I watched this movie at a mezzanine showing and the movie theater was only 5% full, I could hear everyone gasping and screaming during the gruesome parts, and trust me, I don't use the word gruesome very often as a compliment. (Its right up there with words like beautiful and perfect) So if you want to see a good one this halloween season, catch The Thing, it'll be worth the watch !
Needless to say it took me by surprise. The cast was spot on and the special effects were superb, but used very creatively! Its not your typical horror movie, it has a psychological factor that is fun to play with, and does in fact make your skin crawl. Anyway, despite I watched this movie at a mezzanine showing and the movie theater was only 5% full, I could hear everyone gasping and screaming during the gruesome parts, and trust me, I don't use the word gruesome very often as a compliment. (Its right up there with words like beautiful and perfect) So if you want to see a good one this halloween season, catch The Thing, it'll be worth the watch !
Galaxy space print nebula tye dye kane burnout style shirt
Check out this snazzy shirt I made, now for sale on ebay ! :D
Anyway, here's some more awesome inspirations from the vault...
Anyway, here's some more awesome inspirations from the vault...
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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